Monday 13 June 2016

Limited edition Adidas sneakers made out of recycled ocean plastic

In April, Adidas and advocacy group Parley for the Oceans teamed up to create a 3D printed sneaker prototype made out of plastic and illegal deep sea nets found in the ocean. The limited number of shoes of shoes cannot be bought and are instead being given to the winners of a contest for Parley's A.I.R initiative to end ocean pollution.

The idea of this contest is awesome which is able to increase the awareness of taking care of the ocean. Besides, it also enables to increase the reputation and build a environment friendly image for Adidas company. In order to win the sneakers, the contestants are required to make a video pledging their commitment to keep the oceans clean, upload it to Instagram, and tag Adidas and Parley in the caption with #ParleyAIR.

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